Registered Charity Number 520063
High Lane War Memorial Village Hall
For prices see table opposite. The Village Hall is a registered charity run by a voluntary committee who aim to keep booking prices as low as possible for the community.
Our booking system is run by volunteers so please forward any
enquiries by Email to or fill in the form on the contact page.
To make a booking
If you'd like to book any of our facilities or would like to make any further enquiries, please contact our Booking Secretary Email only Please.
or use the Contact Us page on this site.
We do not receive post at the Hall address.
Deliveries by appointment only
Individuals or groups who make regular bookings receive a discount from standard charges.
Charges are less for the 4 hour sessions during the day but are higher over the weekend.
All bookings should be made by telephone to the Booking Secretary Email The price will be agreed with the Booking Secretary and an Agreement form will be sent out.
Casual bookings pay in advance when returning the form, whilst regular users may be invoiced monthly.
Bank transfer is preferred or payment by cheque made payable to:
 Sorry No Ball Games are allowed in the Hall